Theatre techniques for public speaking

 In Blogs

Use the techniques learned by actors to help business leaders to give effective and inspiring talks and speeches.


Prominent public figures fully appreciate the importance of body language when speaking. We give you insights from the world of theatre for making yours open and confident.


It is often an unconscious process, but we come to trust people by what we hear in their voices. We will equip you with the skills to win both trust and belief in you.


A little nervousness can actually improve public speaking and presenting, because it gives you the necessary adrenaline. We share theatre techniques for bringing your body into a greater state of relaxation.


Aristotle knew what he was talking about when demanding a good beginning, a good middle, and a good end. We provide you with a range of alternatives for achieving all three.


Creative Visualisation is a scientifically proven method for helping people to attain their goals. We teach you how to still the mind and to focus upon a successful outcome.


At every turn now we are bombarded by visuals, which can result in a loss of attention. We share insights from the world of theatre into how best to use props and images.


Everybody stepping out into the public spotlight must be in control of their space. We give you tips into setting it up and moving about in it.

We can arrange Facilitators for your public speaking workshops.  Call Ruth on 07976509551

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