Proven Change Management Methods
Our experts will help your business transform into an organisation that works smart, has a high performance culture and is powered by people who want the best for their customers.
We draw on the best transformation brains in the business through our Panel of Experts to help you design the right programme and anticipate and overcome any obstacles faced during change.
Our proven methods of engaging the hearts and minds of employees will help you to achieve embedded people powered business performance.
Our Business Transformation Expertise
- Designing and Implementing Organisations that Work Smart
- Implementing High Performance Cultures
- Changing Terms & Conditions
- Developing Brave Change Ready HR Teams
- HR Models, Systems and Tools
- Outsourcing & Offshoring, BPO and HRO
- Communication & Engagement
- TUPE and integrating cultures
Planning Change
When planning change, we know you will want a fresh pair of eyes to support you; someone who brings a set of complementary skills, a firm focus on delivering the change required. Someone who can ask the questions that cut through the issues and politics like a butter knife.
We roll up our sleeve to work alongside your Team to really understand your business and we transfer knowledge as we work with them so we leave your business with legacy change management skills.
We’ve led really successful organisational development and change programmes and are passionate about sharing our experience with you.
Take the first step to achieving successful change. Let’s meet up and discuss your business and your plans for organisational change.
Contact The Change Directors by email on or ring 07976 509 551.

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. She is an expert in Business and HR Transformation. She has cross sector experience and helps organisations to increase business performance and harness by harnessing the support of the workforce for change. Ruth is passionate about using her lessons learned to support executive teams to get great results – quickly and smoothly.