Business and HR Outsourcing
Whether you are considering outsourcing a business function or your HR function, whether you decide on onshore, offshore, nearshore, rural or virtual outsourcing, one things is for sure, many of your concerns will be people based.
The key to successful outsourcing is scrutinising your current operation before the work is transferred, so that you can replicate what works and improve on what doesn’t.
We’ll help you to scope the processes that can be outsourced or off-shored. We have worked extensively in the BPO and HRO industry and will help you to choose your supplier and keep them on track for a smooth transition of work, so that your customers or client receive a seamless service during the transition. Once in place, we’ll continue to help you make efficiencies and improvements to achieve optimum performance.
Read our blog here: HR Outsourcing
Our Style has been exceptionally well received
Ruth recently supported the transformation of an HR Outsource Operation in Poland and prior to that supported set up of an IT and BPO Hub in Chennai. This is the testimonial from the HRD who hired Ruth for the Chennai project:
“I asked Ruth to take on a role supporting the launch of an offshore operations and IT hub for Equiniti in Chennai. Ruth has a wonderfully calm demeanour combined with an almost encyclopaedic HR knowledge. She has delivered the Chennai project on time, with all hires in place to enable knowledge transfer to be completed to the project deadlines. She has supported a very junior local HR team and worked to ensure they and the managers they support continue to be developed.
Ruth’s style has been exceptionally well received by all who have worked with her and she has been a true asset to Equiniti. She has blended well into the UK HR team who all enjoy working with her, and we have all learned from her experience and approach.
As the People and Change Director I can honestly say that the Chennai project would not have been completed without Ruth and I cannot think of a better qualified individual to have supported me on this. Finally on a personal level I have benefited on more than one occasion from Ruth’s quiet but wise counsel for which I am hugely grateful. I recommend Ruth wholeheartedly.”
– Clancy Murphy, Director of People and Performance
Find out more about The Change Directors in Chennai.
For more information about our outsourcing and offshoring services contact Ruth directly by email on or ring on 07976 509 551.

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. She is an expert in HR, Organisational Development and Change Management. She has cross sector experience and helps organisations to increase business performance and grow. Ruth is passionate about using her wisdom, lessons learned and skills to support executive teams to get great results quickly and smoothly.